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A little C++ application that attempts to draw a Christmas tree to get you in to the festive spirit. Random colour generation and a random item on top… what more could you ask for? A decent program? yeah I guess so…

PS. I wasn’t allowed to use parameters so don’t shoot me for using global variables!

#include <iostream> //for cin >> and cout <<
#include <cassert> //for assert
#include <iomanip> //for endl
#include <windows.h> //for colour

using namespace std;

//declare constants: symbols used for the drawing

const char BLANK( ' ');
const char LEAF( '#');
const char WOOD( '|');
const char EOL( '\n');			//end of line symbol

//declare variables
int treeHeight; //height of the tree
int branchLine; //loop counter for each line of the foliage
int numSpaces(1);
int numLeaves(1);
int trunkSpaces(0);
bool reDraw(false);

int main()  //draw Xmas tree
	void getValidHeight();
	void drawBranches();
	void drawTrunk();
	void reDrawTree();
	void drawStar();

	cout << "Jonathan Collinge - Nov 2011" << EOL << EOL;
		numSpaces = 1;					//Reinitialize variables for repetition
		numLeaves = 1;
		trunkSpaces = 0;
		bool reDraw = false;

		getValidHeight();				//Promt user input

		cout << EOL;
		cout << EOL;


		cout << EOL;

		reDrawTree();					//Redraw the chistmas tree?

	while(reDraw == true);				//Test for redraw

	cout << EOL;
	system( "PAUSE"); //hold the screen until a key is pressed

	return( 0);

void getValidHeight()				 //get valid height for the tree
	//assert( TO BE COMPLETED );

	cout << "Enter the size of the tree (4-20): ";
	cin >> (treeHeight);

	while (treeHeight < 4 || treeHeight > 20)		// Validate input
		cout << "ERROR: Invalid height! Enter the size of the tree (4-20): ";
		cin >> (treeHeight);

void drawBranches()					//draw foliage
	assert( treeHeight >= 4 && treeHeight <= 20);
	numSpaces = (treeHeight - 1);			// set numSpace dependant on user input
	void drawABranch();
	for ( branchLine = 1; branchLine <= (treeHeight - 2); ++branchLine)
		drawABranch();					//draw one line of foliage


void drawABranch() //draw one line of foliage
	srand((unsigned) time(NULL));		//Seed Random function
	for (int i(1); i <= numSpaces; i++)
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0);		//Set text colour to black
		cout << BLANK;
	for (int j(1); j <= numLeaves; j++)
		int randomColour(( rand()%10)+6 );		//generate random colour
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), randomColour);		//Set text to random colour
		cout << LEAF;
	cout << EOL;
	numLeaves = numLeaves+ 2;   //Set the number of leaves needed on the next branch to +2
	numSpaces--;				//Reduce number of blank spaces on next branch

void drawTrunk()  //draw trunk
	assert( numSpaces == 1 );
	trunkSpaces = (treeHeight-1);		
	for (int k(1); k <= trunkSpaces; k++)
		//prints the blank characters to format output
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0);		//set text colour to black
		cout << BLANK;

	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 6);			//set text colour to brown
	cout << WOOD << EOL;		//output base (level1)

	for (int a(1); a<= trunkSpaces; a++)
		//prints the blank characters to format output
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0);
		cout << BLANK;

	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 6);
	cout << WOOD << EOL;		//output base (level2)


void drawStar()
	//draws a randomly selected character at the top of the tree
	int starSpaces = (treeHeight-1);			//initialize star location
	for (int x(1); x <= starSpaces; x++)		//add spaces to format output
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0);
		cout << BLANK;

	int randomColour( rand()%100 );				//set new random colour

	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), randomColour);			//set text colour to random colour

	int X = 1;
	int M = 2;
	int A = 3;
	int S = 4;
	//declare min and max constant for random boundaries
	const int MAX = 5;
	const int MIN = 1;
	//initialize z to a number between 1 and 5
	int z((rand()%(MAX-MIN))+MIN);

	char decor;
	//Test the outcome of the random function against 5 different cases
	switch (z)
	case 1 : { decor = '*';}	break;
	case 2: { decor = '&';}		break;
	case 3: { decor = '@';}		break;
	case 4: { decor = 'O';}		break;
	default: { decor = '^';}	break;
	//output result
	cout << decor << EOL;

void reDrawTree()
	//Allow user to draw multiple trees
	//set text colour to grey
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7);
	//declare local variable
	char response;

	cout << "\n\n Do you wish to draw another tree?  <Y/N>: ";
	cin >> response;
	//validate input
	while (response != 'n' && response != 'N' && response != 'y' && response != 'Y')
		cout << "\nERROR: Invalid Input! Do you wish to draw another tree?  <Y/N>: ";
		cin >> response;
	//select path
	if (response == 'Y' || response == 'y')
		reDraw = true;
		system("cls");		//clear console
		reDraw = false;
